
About INBusiness

The INBusiness Registered Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurial internationalization through information, education and action for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The institute is a medium for all Czech citizens who are part of the business environment, want to have an international outlook and learn about the opportunities offered by the European area and economically developed countries.

Significant emphasis is given to supporting women in business, mothers, single mothers and family projects.


Awareness of entrepreneurial internationalization in the Czech environment.


We want to enable Czech entrepreneurs to see the business environment in the European spectrum and make strategic decisions accordingly.

We want to achieve an increase in the support, synergy and development of international initiatives and cooperative activities among entrepreneurs at the local and cross-border level.


The main goal of the institute is to create an international dimension through information and education of the target segments. In the form of Programs, support international initiatives and anchor and expand the methodology of business internationalization.

Increase the relevance of decision-making processes of entrepreneurs and reduce business risk.

Partial impacts of goal realization

Balancing European differences

Knowledge of other methodologies and forms of cooperation.

Increasing economic quality

Relevant decision making and risk prevention.

Increasing European orientation

Current events that bring opportunities.

Coexistence in the era of Industry 4.0

Approaches to business in the environment of technological changes.

Work-life balance Emphasis

Career and family life balance.

Stability of families and parents

Support of women in business and family projects.

Quality with an impact on society.

An international perspective will enable a new perception.

Compliance with the environment

An appeal for a business balance that saves the planet.

Reducing the gender gap

Support for women in business and fathers on parental leave.



Lucie HRON

The founder of the INBusiness Institute, entrepreneur and risk manager.
Lucie teaches strategies for business projects and internationalization.
Founder of the project for the prevention of women's personal safety.
She led a career center at a technical university and an entrepreneurship project.

Board of Directors

The board of directors is a three-member body with a five-year term of office, which ensures the preservation of the institute's purpose and its proper management.

Mgr.Tomáš HRON

Member of the board of directors
Athlete, representative of the Czech Republic. He laid the theoretical foundations of Thai boxing for sports studies. Received the MUNI Dean's Award. It supports young athletes and has been helping the internationalization of the sports environment for more than 10 years.


Member of the board of directors
Deputy director of the integrated automotive secondary school in Brno. Educator and holder of the prestigious Masaryk University award "Educator of the Year 2021". It supports the development of pupils with innovative approaches in education, organizes and implements pedagogical projects.


Member of the board of directors
Entrepreneur and project manager for business support and financial consulting for companies and development projects. She implements mentoring and educational programs. She participated in MUNI research projects and was the manager of research and projects at the Technical University in Brno.

Contact us

Brno, the capital of Moravia, at a distance of 136 km from the capital of Austria, Vienna.

+420 602 355 883

Bc.A.Lucie HRON |