Women ESS Initiative
The Women ESS (Women Essential) initiative is an initiative designed and launched by Lucie Hron, Director of INBusiness, and has become one of the action steps in the Institute's programme to support women in order to highlight the economic gender gap and support mothers on parental leave and women over 30 to relieve them of their financial burden.
Why Women ESS
Server Business for the company reports that women in Czechia had to work 60 days longer in 2022 to reach the same wage as men. Local women earn 20% less on average and are at a career disadvantage compared to men, because HR professionals see them as future mothers who will eventually leave the company due to motherhood.
Women ESS in practice
Women have about 20% less remuneration, but the costs are the same as men, including maternity and parental leave, when they are in financial absence. Women Ess is an initiative that provides better prices for services to women to address this gap and support women in their economically disadvantaged situations. Companies are free to choose for what and in what percentage they will support women.
How to support Women ESS
Apply the initiative to your services (selected service) according to your capabilities
Put the initiative properly in your policies and communicate it within the organization.
Place the Women ESS logo on your website
Spread awareness of Women ESS through your website or recommend us

How many % lower
The Women ESS initiative works on the basis of a free decision and does not impose an obligation on anyone on the basis of tables or regulations. Every business, every company knows best its options
This initiative is based on the belief that flexibility and an individual approach are the keys to effective sponsorship. We are looking for ways to bring this issue closer to companies and draw attention to pro-maternity strategies, which in themselves reflect social responsibility, internationalization, but also because they directly help the end subjects - mothers, to live a better life.
Inclusion of women
in business
Czechia has a lot of catching up to do in the field of women's inclusion in general, as it stands behind Western Europe. Economic disparities continue to disadvantage her, and even more so for mothers returning to the labor market. At INBusiness, we support the need to support women in business and the inclusion of women, as it is a solution in the fight against maternal poverty in Europe. One of the institute's tools is the Women Essential (Women Ess) initiative.

Help us bridge the gender financial gap
Women face many obstacles in business that men do not normally face. There are significant differences in terms of access to finance, lack of time and career progression, as women tend to be the ones who combine all these activities with childcare.
They are often on their own financially, as there is no law requiring both parents to share half of the child's expenses until the child reaches the age of majority in the event of parental separation. The legal "thousand" is still a hot topic that mothers can only shake their heads over.
In international comparison, Czech women stay at home for long periods of time, which has a negative impact on their return to the labour market. In the Czech Republic, the length of the RČ is an advantage that is heavily penalised in the future. A woman can receive state benefits for up to 4 years, as the state does not offer mothers assistance to return to work more quickly compared to other European countries. The Czech Republic ranks second in the EU in terms of countries that do not have enough places for two-year-old children in state institutions. Mothers often have no choice but to adapt to the situation.
Partners with lucrative incomes often appeal (mostly) to women to stay at home and provide for the family. In the future, such a family decision only has a negative effect on the woman, who, if the partners separate in the future, remains "zero" in the labour market career-wise and her 10 years of "family management" will not apply anywhere. The man, on the other hand, has gained a stable family background and the opportunity to build a business or grow his career. In the case of separation, he gains healthy and well-bred offspring and functions economically and career-wise. The woman does not.

Women in science have less chances of authorship
Penalty for motherhood
Women in science have less chances of authorship. However, the Czech Republic is unique in the European Union. There are penalties for motherhood in science.
Mothers and families have limited options
Gender financial gap
Gender differences in the relationship with the credit market are little talked about. Many women cannot access loans and start businesses due to economic disparities.