Programs for entrepreneurs

Even a small business can be international

Business internationalization I.

An introduction to business internationalization, where we will introduce you to the basic issues, why your business should have an international background and how to bring it to the European level.

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Distance mentoring

Distance mentoring that focuses on goals and relationship building between both parties. It is based on the provision of performance feedback and shared with the mentor's partners to achieve meaningful results and progress towards set goals.

Project consultations

Give your project an international level with a minimum of work. How to think Europeanly and at the same time support the Czech economy? How to make the project attractive and increase its value? How to start a project?

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Cross-border cooperation and inclusion in business

A program that demonstrates the benefits of collaboration and cross-border initiatives. It includes topics of inclusive business, shared services, marketing without social networks, work-life balance and practical workshops.

Business mission

The project we are preparing will allow entrepreneurs from Brno to look beyond the borders of Moravia to the city of Vienna and see what business management mechanisms our neighbors use and how we can help each other.

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